Tag: Sayreville Planning Board

  • National Lead files complaint against Sayreville over housing agreement

    National Lead files complaint against Sayreville over housing agreement

    SAYREVILLE – The owner and developer of an affordable housing project in Sayreville are taking legal action against the borough. National Lead Industries, Inc. and Rocville, LLC filed a complaint in New Jersey Superior Court against the Borough of Sayreville and the Sayreville Planning Board concerning a 2018 settlement agreement between the parties. Submitted in…

  • Sayreville passes resolutions related to affordable housing

    Sayreville passes resolutions related to affordable housing

    SAYREVILLE – The Sayreville Borough Council has taken action to assist in the development of properties intended to help the borough meet its affordable housing obligations. On Oct. 9, the council passed four separate resolutions that authorized the execution of the addendum to the settlement agreement between Sayreville and K-Land Corp. (Kaplan Properties); authorized Borough…

  • Rehab facility proposed at site of approved nursing home in Sayreville

    Rehab facility proposed at site of approved nursing home in Sayreville

    SAYREVILLE – An application for a drug rehabilitation facility in Sayreville is being met with concern from residents who live near the proposed location. An affiliate of Recovery Centers of America (RCA), 901 Ernston Road, LLC, is seeking a use variance and amended site plan approval from the Sayreville Zoning Board of Adjustment for a…

  • Sayreville affordable housing ordinances introduced

    Sayreville affordable housing ordinances introduced

    SAYREVILLE – Two ordinances intended to assist Sayreville in reaching its necessary amount of affordable units have been introduced by the Borough Council. The council voted 5-1 to re-introduce an ordinance during its Sept. 11 meeting that will amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance, and voted to introduce an ordinance that will permit projects that…

  • Sayreville to review affordable housing ordinance

    Sayreville to review affordable housing ordinance

    SAYREVILLE – Two ordinances intended to assist Sayreville in reaching its necessary amount of affordable units are scheduled to be introduced by the Borough Council on Sept. 11. An ordinance that will amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance and an ordinance that will permit projects that have affordable units in their zone were considered by…

  • Sayreville sets special hearing on actions of Planning Board chairman

    Sayreville sets special hearing on actions of Planning Board chairman

    SAYREVILLE – The Sayreville Borough Council has scheduled a hearing that may result in the chairman of the borough’s Planning Board being removed from his position. The council voted 4-2 on Aug. 21 to hold a special hearing on Thomas Tighe’s future on Sept. 11 prior to the start of the regular council meeting. With…

  • Sayreville mulls affordable housing plan recommendation

    Sayreville mulls affordable housing plan recommendation

    SAYREVILLE – Ordinances intended to assist Sayreville in meeting its affordable housing obligations have been recommended to the Borough Council by the Planning Board amid continued concerns from residents over their potential impact. On Aug. 2, the Planning Board recommended an ordinance to the council that would amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance and an…

  • Sayreville council looking into actions of Planning Board chairman

    Sayreville council looking into actions of Planning Board chairman

    SAYREVILLE – The Sayreville Borough Council has taken action that may result in the chairman of the borough’s Planning Board being removed from his position. Council members approved a motion on July 24 to hold a hearing on Thomas Tighe’s future as chairman of the Planning Board at their Aug. 21 meeting. With cause, the…

  • Sayreville officials continue to consider affordable housing plan

    Sayreville officials continue to consider affordable housing plan

    SAYREVILLE – Borough officials are continuing to seek a plan in order to meet Sayreville’s affordable housing obligations. On Aug. 2, the Planning Board was scheduled to discuss the borough’s housing plan, according to Borough Council President Daniel Buchanan during a July 24 council meeting. If the plan is approved by the board, it will…