Tag: Sharon Peters

  • Driving with arthritis

    Driving with arthritis

    Steering You Right With Sharon Peters Q: My dad has what appears to be increasingly profound arthritis and I’m worried about whether he can do what he needs to do when he’s driving. He claims he’s OK to drive and that he’s as solid behind the wheel as he ever was. I have my doubts,…

  • Snowy Wheels

    Snowy Wheels

    Steering You Right With Sharon Peters Q: This will be our first winter in the extreme north. There will be lots of snow. Do we need studded tires or will snow tires do the trick? A: Go for a set of good-quality snow tires. Studs make no sense for the normal driver, even when he…

  • Clean diesel

    Clean diesel

    Steering You Right With Sharon Peters Q: Can you tell me what they mean when they say a vehicle is a “clean diesel” vehicle? A: A so-called clean-diesel vehicle is engineered to take advantage of the latest ultra-low-sulfur fuel that’s refined to have 97 percent less sulfur than with previous formulas. The lower sulfur count…

  • Pain in the seat

    Pain in the seat

    Steering You Right With Sharon Peters Q: What makes and models of cars do you recommend that have a front passenger’s seat that can be adjusted sufficiently to ease the pain for those with lower back trouble? My wife and I have driven several cars where only the driver’s seat was adjusted by power positioning…

  • Child seat smarts

    Child seat smarts

    Steering You Right With Sharon Peters Q: I will be taking care of my grandchild for the next several months. He’s 9 — obviously too big for a child seat, but he’s small for his age. Is there any way to know if the adult seatbelts will do what they should do in an accident?…

  • Warm starter

    Warm starter

    Steering You Right With Sharon Peters Q: My son moved to northern Minnesota a few months ago and got some sort of plug-in heater for his car engine. He says it makes it start better in the winter. My husband and I just moved from Florida to Ohio and since it gets pretty cold here,…