Tag: Solutions

  • SOLUTIONS 4/15: Musical Spring

    SOLUTIONS 4/15: Musical Spring

    By Huck Fairman As area residents have pushed through an often wet, cool and windy spring, many have sought relief beyond hopes for warming weather. Among the most transformative options has been a performance of The Princeton Singers, most recently at the Art on Hulfish (street) space, an alternative site while the Princeton University Art…

  • SOLUTIONS 4/8: Preserving local environments through composting

    SOLUTIONS 4/8: Preserving local environments through composting

    By Huck Fairman While warnings from the United Nations’ panel on climate change call for wide-ranging, indeed global, adoption of clean energy and environmental preservation, if we are to maintain the world as we’ve known it, there are also a number of local or individual steps people can take to save local environments. Among those…

  • SOLUTIONS 3/25: “Sleepwalking to catastrophe”

    SOLUTIONS 3/25: “Sleepwalking to catastrophe”

    By Huck Fairman  UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned this week that countries are “sleepwalking to climate catastrophe.” They are operating, since the Glasgow summit, under “naive optimism.” This means that they are nowhere near the global goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In fact the planet has already warmed on average…

  • SOLUTIONS 3/18: The Seas are Rising

    SOLUTIONS 3/18: The Seas are Rising

    By Huck Fairman Central New Jersey’s Sierra Club recently presented a Zoom talk on the accelerating rate of sea level rise, presented by Dr. Jennifer Walker of Rutgers University’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. With the rate of sea level rise increasing, New Jersey is particularly vulnerable to its impacts. There are a number…

  • SOLUTIONS 3/11: What’s at stake? Everything!

    SOLUTIONS 3/11: What’s at stake? Everything!

    By Huck Fairman The United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just issued its latest warning: “The scientific evidence is unequivocal: climate change is a threat to human well-being and the health of the planet,” said Hans-Otto Pörtner, a co-chair of working group 2 of the IPCC. “Any further delay in concerted global…

  • SOLUTIONS 3/4: Unending Reports of Change

    SOLUTIONS 3/4: Unending Reports of Change

    By Huck Fairman
 Pretty much every day now reports in the news and publications document that humans are changing the natural world. The increased frequency of these reports attests to the growing severity, and spread, of these problems. The consequent question is: will we do what is necessary to preserve the habitats that have supported…

  • SOLUTIONS 2/25: Reviving lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles

    SOLUTIONS 2/25: Reviving lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles

    By Huck Fairman Countless used lithium-ion batteries, many from electric vehicles, are being added to our waste collections. This has been because there has been no economical way to revive and reuse them. Now, however, Princeton University researchers have come up with an inexpensive and sustainable way to make new batteries from the used ones.…

  • SOLUTIONS 1/21: Good news with the bad

    SOLUTIONS 1/21: Good news with the bad

    By Huck Fairman While COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly, if not entirely predictably, segments of the nation are making progress in dealing with other health and technology issues. Princeton, led by Sustainable Princeton and the council, has passed an ordinance that restricts the use of gas-powered blowers and other landscaping equipment. The result should be…

  • SOLUTIONS 1/14: The Benefits and Costs of Switching to Electric School Buses

    SOLUTIONS 1/14: The Benefits and Costs of Switching to Electric School Buses

    By Huck Fairman The New Jersey Sierra Club, including former New York City transportation manager, Bill Baren, and local member, Kip Cherry, presented an informative talk on the benefits and challenges of replacing gas powered (or diesel) school buses with electric buses. The benefits include the reduced emissions produced by electric buses. In fact in…