Tag: Solutions

  • SOLUTIONS 12/24: Our Warming Poles

    SOLUTIONS 12/24: Our Warming Poles

    By Huck Fairman While we worry about new strains of the virus and rising prices, recent environmental reports in the news reveal that we have other major changes to respond to. Namely while science has been aware of the of the planet’s warming at the poles, the most recent data warns that the warming is…

  • SOLUTIONS 12/17: Emerson and Thoreau speak to our time

    SOLUTIONS 12/17: Emerson and Thoreau speak to our time

    By Huck Fairman In happening upon a book review of a new history of the American Transcendentalists, particularly Emerson and Thoreau, I was awakened, as these two thinkers hoped their contemporaries would be, by issues of how we and our community should live. The book, “The Transcendentalists and Their World,” by Robert A. Gross, re-introduces…

  • SOLUTIONS 11/19: The Glasgow Climate Accord

    SOLUTIONS 11/19: The Glasgow Climate Accord

    By Huck Fairman Last Saturday night, the Glasgow Climate Accord was signed. Like the climate crisis itself, it came down to the wire. The question remains: will we do enough, fast enough, to survive? For a start, the Climate Pact calls for mobilization and bold climate action. What that means is that nations now have roadmaps…

  • Solutions: Glasgow Climate Conference brings more attention to climate change

    Solutions: Glasgow Climate Conference brings more attention to climate change

    By Huck Fairman With the Glasgow Climate Conference stretching over two weeks, the issue of climate change has been in the news. But much of the information about our planet and the necessary steps we need to take have been around for some time now. The Packet family of newspapers have printed a number of…

  • SOLUTIONS 10/29: The costs of climate inaction

    SOLUTIONS 10/29: The costs of climate inaction

    By Huck Fairman Senator Joe Manchin and a majority of Republicans have been opposing President Joe Biden’s and the Democrats’ funding for climate spending intended to head off the worst impacts of climate change. Abrahm Lustgarten, a writer for the non-profit news organization doing investigative journalism, ProPublica, has made an effort to clarify the costs…

  • SOLUTIONS 10/8: Can we save ourselves, and how?

    SOLUTIONS 10/8: Can we save ourselves, and how?

    By Huck Fairman Reports on and opinions as to how we can save ourselves from the worsening climate crisis have been increasingly appearing in the media. The PBS News Hour and the New York Times have presented recent efforts that are underway and need to be widely adopted. An environmental meeting in Italy focused on…

  • Solutions 10/1: We are warming faster

    Solutions 10/1: We are warming faster

    By Huck Fairman Scientists warn, as many readers know, that if we reach a 2-Celsius degree increase in temperature globally, we may not be able to reverse it and its devastating effects. Now a report in Nature Climate Change reveals that northeastern America is among the fastest warming regions in the northern hemisphere. It has…

  • SOLUTIONS 9/24: Changes in Weather, Energy & Diet

    SOLUTIONS 9/24: Changes in Weather, Energy & Diet

    By Huck Fairman Anyone paying attention to the news lately cannot have missed reports of environmental changes to our world and of our responses to those changes. Here, the focus will be on predicted weather, on Congressional efforts to reduce fossil fuel usage, and on new sources of food we need to adopt. First, climate…

  • SOLUTIONS: Are Adults Failing Us?

    SOLUTIONS: Are Adults Failing Us?

    By Huck Fairman The New York Times recently printed an Op-Ed piece by Greta Thunberg and colleagues from Mexico, Bangladesh and Kenya that amplified the “code red for humanity” declared by the United Nations’ secretary general. They wrote this piece because “climate change is the single greatest threat to our futures.” With this growing awareness,…