Tag: Sustainable Jersey

  • Bordentown Township honored for sustainable practices around community

    Bordentown Township honored for sustainable practices around community

    Bordentown Township was recognized this year for having enacted multiple sustainable practices around the community. The municipality released a Dec. 23 announcement that it received a silver certification honor from Sustainable Jersey, a nonprofit organization that supports local regions as they pursue sustainability programs. Bordentown Township is one of only 27 New Jersey municipalities that…

  • Metuchen discusses implementing more electric vehicle charging stations

    Metuchen discusses implementing more electric vehicle charging stations

    METUCHEN – The excitement for electric vehicle charging stations was evident as the Borough Council discussed the possibility of implementing stations around Metuchen. A few years ago, Councilwoman Dorothy Rasmussen said excitement surrounded the thought of ordering one $600 charging station for Borough Hall. “This is so much more,” she said, calling the endeavor “amazing,”…

  • Bordentown City awarded for sustainable practices around community

    Bordentown City awarded for sustainable practices around community

    Bordentown City officials recently announced that the municipality was awarded for its efforts to create a more sustainable community. The city was awarded silver-level certification this year with Sustainable Jersey, a non-profit organization that supports local regions in their pursuit of sustainability programs. There are 448 municipalities in New Jersey, including Bordentown City and Bordentown…

  • Jamesburg establishes ‘green’ recognition program

    Jamesburg establishes ‘green’ recognition program

    JAMESBURG–Seeking to promote more environmentally-friendly practices, the Borough Council approved a resolution establishing the Municipal Green Business Recognition Program. Borough Administrator Scott Frueh said the program is designed to recognize businesses in the borough for going green. “It was created by Sustainable Jersey and will be used to receive points for becoming a certified municipality.…

  • East Brunswick asks residents for input on eliminating plastic bags and straws

    East Brunswick asks residents for input on eliminating plastic bags and straws

    EAST BRUNSWICK–With the Township of East Brunswick seeking to reduce the usage of plastic bags and straws, residents can voice their input by filling out a survey. East Brunswick is looking to join communities in New Jersey –and throughout the world –to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bags and plastic straws, according to information…

  • Hillsborough earns high place in nationwide water conservation effort

    Hillsborough earns high place in nationwide water conservation effort

    Hillsborough Township was recently honored for it water conservation efforts. Township officials announced on June 11 that Hillsborough placed first in New Jersey in the 30,000 to 99,999 population category and 31st in a nationwide challenge. Officials explained that more than 2,000 residents pledged to save approximately 8.5 million gallons of water. After Hillsborough Township…

  • Hillsborough honored for sustainability efforts

    Hillsborough honored for sustainability efforts

    Hillsborough Township was recently honored for its sustainable environmental efforts. The township received the Municipal Innovation Award for the “Going Green: From Infrastructure to Culture” submission on May 11 at the first annual Municipal Innovation Summit held at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison. The event featured municipal leaders and industry experts throughout the state as…

  • South River approves resolution to seek funds for streets

    South River approves resolution to seek funds for streets

    SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council approved a resolution supporting an application to Sustainable Jersey’s Complete Streets Technical Assistance Grant Program. “We are seeking technical assistance to implement numerous ‘proof of concept’ efforts for the complete streets vision we have just begun pushing in the borough. Our hope is to implement small-scale projects to support bicyclists and improve…

  • Grant offers students with disabilities offer to garden, donate produce to area food pantry

    Grant offers students with disabilities offer to garden, donate produce to area food pantry

    The Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools will use a $10,000 grant from Sustainable Jersey for Schools to fund a summer internship program in which students with disabilities will work on gardens on the East Brunswick and Piscataway campuses. Ten students will be paid to work three days a week for nine weeks on the…