Tag: Sustainable Princeton

  • Sustainable Jersey grant will be used by Princeton grounds crews for battery-operated equipment

    Sustainable Jersey grant will be used by Princeton grounds crews for battery-operated equipment

    With a $10,000 grant in hand, the grounds crews that work for the Municipality of Princeton and the Princeton Public Schools may begin to move away from gasoline-powered lawn and landscaping equipment and toward battery-operated equipment. The grant from Sustainable Jersey also will help the town and the school district – with some help from…

  • Opinion: Resident supports action to reduce harm from landscaping machines

    Opinion: Resident supports action to reduce harm from landscaping machines

    Let me add my voice to the chorus of pleas I have seen in the paper in recent weeks and months to do something about the noise and the effect on our air quality from leaf blowers and, I would add, from other machines driven by the same inefficient and highly polluting small engines. Beyond…

  • LOOSE ENDS 12/4: Sustainable signs

    LOOSE ENDS 12/4: Sustainable signs

    By Pam Hersh As I emerged on Black Friday from the Princeton CVS on Nassau Street to a horde of unmasked kids who refused to move out of the way to let me pass, I turned red with anger, assumed the status of a crazy little lady, and hollered: “Wear a friggin’ mask.” Thank you…

  • Sustainable Princeton works toward transitioning landscaping community to cleaner practices

    Sustainable Princeton works toward transitioning landscaping community to cleaner practices

    Sustainable Princeton is looking to embark on a new project that would transition the Princeton landscaping community to more sustainable practices. The organization recently applied for grant funding from Partners for Places, which funds sustainability projects in local communities to promote a healthy environment and well-being for residents, according to Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN).…

  • Witherspoon Street transformation seeks to aid reopened businesses

    Witherspoon Street transformation seeks to aid reopened businesses

    Princeton officials and local organizations have adapted Witherspoon Street for local outdoor dining, as New Jersey moves ahead in phase two of the state’s reopening plan. The street transformation is not only for outdoor dining but for curbside pickup locations. Witherspoon Street now features repurposed parking spaces as outdoor dining locations and designated areas of…

  • SOLUTIONS 5/15: Community or Company Aggregation

    SOLUTIONS 5/15: Community or Company Aggregation

    By Huck Fairman As a long time Princeton resident, I have been interested in, and have written a number of, Packet opinion pieces on the climate crisis. I have reported on the ideas and policies recommended by a range of scientists and specialists. Recently, the Municipality of Princeton has announced a new plan to switch…

  • Sustainable Princeton’s new president brings a fresh view to the Board of Trustees

    Sustainable Princeton’s new president brings a fresh view to the Board of Trustees

    Sustainable Princeton has a new face leading the environmental non-profit organization Yamile Slebi, a corporate and securities lawyer, takes over as president from co-founder Matthew Wasserman. Wasserman helped found the organization in 2012, according to Sustainable Princeton officials. “We have earned that seat at the table as evidenced by the recent endorsement of the Climate…