Tag: Thanksgiving
Opinion: In thanks to those who supported HomeFront families on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a very special day in many ways. It is not a religious, patriotic or commercial holiday, but rather a time for families to gather over a special meal and count the blessings in their lives. While this year looked different for so many, the local families that HomeFront serves who are homeless or…
Opinion: Thanksgiving cheer at the ISCJ Food Pantry
On Saturday, Nov. 21, the Islamic Society of Central Jersey (ISCJ) held its weekly Drive-Thru Food Pantry event, but on this particular Saturday, it was about providing extra holiday cheer. The pantry provided turkeys, chicken, canned vegetables, mashed potatoes, rice, noodles, bread, milk and other food items. Approximately 150 turkeys, boxes full of food, and…
Share tablescapes from Thanksgiving
Do you set the best Thanksgiving table in East Brunswick? Prove it! Send a photo of your Thanksgiving table to [email protected] and residents will vote on their favorite table. Register by Nov. 29. Voting will be Nov. 30 to Dec. 6. Facebook @EBRec Twitter @EBRecParks Instagram @EBRecParks Web eastbrunswick.org/recreation Email [email protected]
Opinion: Thanksgiving is a time to build memories
“We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing.” I enjoy all the holidays when the family gathers together. But, Thanksgiving is special. It isn’t only lots of good food, it also is a lot of good conversation from a lot of good people. As a young boy in the pre-war era, I remember Thanksgiving at…
Islamic Society of Central Jersey to offer Thanksgiving baskets on Nov. 21
The Islamic Society of Central Jersey (ISCJ) wants to provide help for Thanksgiving. The ISCJ will provide a frozen turkey and other food items from noon to 2 p.m. Nov. 21 in the drive-thru food pantry. All persons in need are welcome. ISCJ is located at 4145 Route 1 south, diagonal from ShopRite, at Promenade…
MCFOODS distributes 1,500 turkeys with help of community ‘Giants’
The Middlesex County Food Organization and Outreach Distribution Services (MCFOODS) received a donation of 1,500 Thanksgiving turkeys that were distributed to two dozen partner agencies throughout the county. The turkeys were delivered to MCFOODS’ distribution center on Kennedy Boulevard in East Brunswick on Nov. 19 by the Community FoodBank of New Jersey, who received the…
Old Bridge PTA Presidents’ Council provide Thanksgiving meals for those in need
OLD BRIDGE – The Old Bridge Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Presidents’ Council participated in a Pay It Forward activity, raising about $10,000 to provide food for families in the community for the Thanksgiving holiday, according to an Old Bridge Township Public Schools release. The PTA presidents asked their schools’ principals how many families were in need…
Annual Stop Hunger drive yields 1,226 pounds of food at Reformed Church Home
OLD BRIDGE – Servicing some 550 residents, Anahita Feltz, manager of the Food Bank of Old Bridge, looks forward to the annual Stop Hunger drive, which collected 1,226 pounds of food and $3,000 in monetary donations, at the Reformed Church Home. “[The donations] help us through the holiday and helps us remain stocked through January,”…