Tag: vote by mail

  • Opinion: Seek a Vote by Mail ballot

    Opinion: Seek a Vote by Mail ballot

    Governor Phil Murphy moved the primary election in New Jersey to July 7. This new date should make it safer to vote in person, but also allows more time for citizens to apply to vote by mail. The purpose of a primary is to nominate a candidate to represent your party in the General Election…

  • Opinion: Urge Congress to allow national vote-by-mail

    Opinion: Urge Congress to allow national vote-by-mail

    With the severity of the coronavirus situation and the upcoming elections on the horizon, it is crucial we protect our democracy and ensure Americans are able to vote without putting their health at risk. Americans need to have access to national vote-by-mail through the November elections. Our vote and our voice is at stake. If…

  • Hopewell Valley Democrats support universal vote by mail ballots for all elections

    Hopewell Valley Democrats support universal vote by mail ballots for all elections

    Citing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the public, the Hopewell Valley Democratic Club (HVDC) calls for universal vote by mail for all future New Jersey elections. “Our club mission is centered on increasing voter engagement and participation,” said Chris Malikschmitt, HVDC chair, in a statement provided by the club. “As we discussed the…

  • Voting by mail is a good option for residents

    Voting by mail is a good option for residents

    The coronavirus has forced many changes in how we interact socially. We now have to worry about daily food supplies, educating our children without schools and protecting our health. Sadly, we must also worry about safeguarding our elections. We cannot forget the importance of our vote. Voting is the basic right upon which our democracy…

  • Opinion: Ask legislators to support vote-by-mail security

    Opinion: Ask legislators to support vote-by-mail security

    It’s almost election time. Our primary is just over two months away, which should place it right smack in the middle of a global pandemic. Governor Phil Murphy has ordered a shelter-in-place to reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, protecting us and our health care workers. What’s a patriot to do? A3591 is currently…