Tag: Your Turn guest column

  • Aberdeen Township holiday bake sale helps children in community

    Aberdeen Township holiday bake sale helps children in community

    By Wendy Levy This year we are looking forward to our 16th annual bake sale. Over the past 15 years we have been very successful in raising and donating funds to critically ill children in our community, to children’s medical foundations and to the Jamie Levy Memorial Scholarship at Matawan Regional High School. This year,…

  • Former Milltown resident calls on mayor, council to honor former Mayor Gloria Bradford

    Former Milltown resident calls on mayor, council to honor former Mayor Gloria Bradford

    By Matthew Marciano I had the pleasure to grow up in Milltown and was very fortunate to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Cable TV Contract Committee and the Local Access Channel Committee. I have since moved out of Milltown, but I have noticed that Mayor Trina Mehr and the Borough Council have…

  • Westlake community remembers terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

    Westlake community remembers terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

    By Ellen Keller It has been 21 years since Sept. 11, 2001, that tragic day when America was attacked on its soil. It has been 20 years since that day was remembered right here in Westlake in Jackson. Bobbie Rivere, who had chaired the program with Howard Lazan, began her remarks during our 2022 event…

  • Beginning of school year often reveals child abuse, neglect

    Beginning of school year often reveals child abuse, neglect

    By Cynthia Van Brunt The end of summer and the start of a new school year is an exciting time for most children. But for some, the beginning of school could reveal a dark secret when signs of abuse and neglect these children have suffered over the summer are noticed by teachers, staff and other…

  • Pine Barrens natural landscape will rebound from Wharton wildfire

    Pine Barrens natural landscape will rebound from Wharton wildfire

    By Alison Mitchell Fueled by high winds and dry conditions, New Jersey’s largest wildfire in 15 years swept through Wharton State Forest in the Pine Barrens two weeks ago, burning more than 13,500 acres. Thankfully, no lives or homes were lost, as the blaze occurred in a remote part of New Jersey’s largest tract of…

  • Marlboro Republican chairman: New council members had 100-day plan

    Marlboro Republican chairman: New council members had 100-day plan

    By John C. Gibardi The newly elected Republican Marlboro Township Council members – Antoinette DiNuzzo, Michael Milman and Juned Qazi – were elected to make Marlboro municipal government more transparent and accessible to the taxpayers. In our form of government, we have a five-member legislative body – the Township Council – to provide checks and…

  • Red Bank Democratic chairman addresses municipal issues

    Red Bank Democratic chairman addresses municipal issues

    By Ed Zipprich In war, the aggressor’s first necessary, strategic move is to dehumanize the enemy. World War II Germany, the Cold War, and post-Sept. 11 nationalism clearly exemplify this behavior. Once someone is seen as “less than” or is dehumanized, it is much easier to attack and destroy. The aggressors represent their actions as…

  • Why isn’t the DEP doing its job?

    Why isn’t the DEP doing its job?

    By Rose Ann Scotti Something does not seem right in New Jersey. While our Governor and our Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) commissioner keep bloviating about how concerned they are with the environment, several projects seem to be snaking through the various levels of government and the DEP permitting process without the proper environmental oversight.…

  • Residents are uniting to discuss impacts of regional development

    Residents are uniting to discuss impacts of regional development

    By Elliot Wiesner The mayor of Allentown, Thomas Fritts, opened a community meeting on May 4 in the Newell Elementary School auditorium. Approximately 100 people attended, including two current members of the Township Committee from Upper Freehold Township. Mayor Fritts chaired and moderated the meeting which included two speakers, a slide presentation and a video.…