Tag: Your Turn guest column

  • Youth suicide a serious issue in Ocean County

    Youth suicide a serious issue in Ocean County

    While the opioid crisis continues to grab headlines, another public health problem has quietly emerged in New Jersey and in Ocean County. Suicide has become the third leading cause of death among children and young adults between the ages of 10 and 24. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), 14 young people…

  • Majority of residents appear to be turning against newcomers to America

    Majority of residents appear to be turning against newcomers to America

    By Rumu DasGupta I am writing in response to a recent Your Turn guest column that was published in this newspaper, “Governor, Attorney General are Promoting Anarchy in N.J.” and in response to a recent news article that was published in this newspaper, “Sheriff Seeks State’s Approval to Continue ICE Agreement.” It is getting harder…

  • Governor and Attorney General are promoting anarchy in New Jersey

    Governor and Attorney General are promoting anarchy in New Jersey

    By Rose Ann Scotti Kudos to Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden and all the other sheriff’s departments in New Jersey that are extending the 287 agreements with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) which allow officers to screen jail inmates and flag those who are in the country illegally. If the only impediment to this…

  • Proposal for Wawa and medical office space will not benefit Marlboro

    Proposal for Wawa and medical office space will not benefit Marlboro

    By Ron Murray I am submitting this in response to an article which appeared in the June 19 News Transcript regarding an applicant’s proposal to build a Wawa gas station with eight pumps and a medical office building in Marlboro. (Editor’s note: The Wawa application referenced in this Your Turn guest column is currently before…

  • Allentown asks Upper Freehold Township for cooperation on development

    Allentown asks Upper Freehold Township for cooperation on development

    There has been much discussion regarding the Upper Freehold Township Planning Board public hearing that took place on June 13. The board adopted a Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan. This affordable housing plan is required by the state. Members of the Allentown governing body, including Mayor Greg Westfall, Borough Council President Thomas Fritts…

  • Comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform is needed

    Comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform is needed

    By Rumu DasGupta I was disappointed to read that the members of the Township Committee in Freehold Township passed a resolution to oppose, “policies to make New Jersey a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.” At the same time, I was heartened that the committee recognizes that enacting comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform is at the heart…

  • Monmouth freeholders work to hold line on county spending

    Monmouth freeholders work to hold line on county spending

    By Tom Arnone The 2019 Monmouth County budget was approved during the March 18 meeting of the Board of Freeholders. The adopted budget is $449.6 million, for comparison, in 2010 the county budget peaked at $493.4 million, before its steady descent to $449.6 million in 2019, a decrease of $43.8 million. In 2010, the county…

  • Reduction in state aid will have a negative effect on Freehold Regional High School District

    Reduction in state aid will have a negative effect on Freehold Regional High School District

    By Margo Greenbaum In recent weeks I have read articles containing the following statement: “New Jersey has adopted a plan to reduce the Freehold Regional High School District’s state funding by 50 percent over several years. In essence, Senate bill 2 (S-2) reflects the state’s belief that the taxpayers of the district are undertaxed by…

  • There is great news on tuberculosis, but action is still needed

    There is great news on tuberculosis, but action is still needed

    By Phyllis AlRoy The world’s deadliest infectious killer disease finally had its day. On Sept. 26, 2018, world leaders pledged to reach 40 million people with tuberculosis treatment at the United Nations’ first high-level meeting on tuberculosis. The final political signed declaration includes a pledge to reach 40 million people with treatment by 2022; double the…