Strong stand needed to rectify FHFSD situation

Just where does the responsibility lie for the total embarrassment and mess the Freehold Regional High School District has gotten into?

Is it the Board of Education members who constantly blinded themselves for the past 12 years while the district’s administrators ran their own show at whatever cost, either financially or personnel-wise, just to gain autocratic control over the system and the board?

Is it the voters who neglected to heed the numerous shortcomings, problems and conflicts so blatantly evident in the district that sent some of the same do-nothing, scheming board members back to serve, some even in leadership positions, only to be manipulated by the conniving administrative team at Pine Street?

Six years ago I spent numerous eve-nings at board meetings and writing editorials trying to expose the discriminate, deceitful tactics used by the superinten-dent and his assistants. Public support for my cause was very strong but was always ignored by the board.

I supported my former teacher and coach, Rap Reinhardt, in what was proven to be a severe case of injustice to an individual who really did know how to do his job. FRHSD became a laughing stock for their bizarre tactics.

The state court judge’s statement concerning James Wasser, now superintendent, was printed in the newspaper regarding his integrity under oath.

The statement read: "The testimony of Harold J. Wasser … was not so clearly forthright on either of these issues, however. The testimonial demeanor of Mr. Wasser was that of a witness who was more concerned with providing an answer that would further respondent’s position than with simply reporting the facts. His answers were frequently evasive, inconsistent or confusing, even in response to the questions asked by respondent’s own attorney."

This is the man whom these "blinded" board members later appointed superintendent.

Why was the board so neglectful in accepting its responsibility when appointing a superintendent? Kudos to Robert Silver-man (Marlboro) and Patricia Horvath (Manalapan), who strongly opposed his appointment.

The FRHSD administrative scandal is news all over the state. The board should expel Mr. Wasser and his close associate or associates in an effort to show some sanity and strength.

Upon completion of the above task, some of the board members should resign. How can they look in the mirror each day knowing the harm they have inflicted on the district’s building administrators, supervisors and teachers, let alone the most important of all, the students and their educational process?

Let the ax fall where it may. This type of gross mismanagement would never make it in the business world. The responsibility for allowing the statewide embarrassment must be held accountable.

Jim Casey
