Cinderella’s got game in Millstone production

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Cinderella (Amber Lohne) and the Prince (Joey Lormel) practice their hoop skills as they rehearse for the Millstone Township Middle School’s upcoming production of Cinderella 2000.


MILLSTONE — Cinderella has the ball … she’s moving up court … can anything stop her? … OK now, here it comes … she shoots – she scores!

You know what they say: It’s gotta be the shoes.

Well, that’s what they’ll be saying on May 4-5 at the Millstone Township Middle School when more than 80 of the school’s fifth- and sixth-graders present Cinderella 2000. The show will be performed at 7:30 p.m. both nights in the middle school cafetorium. There is no charge for admission.

Under the direction of teacher Kristine Dragotto, the youngsters have been working hard since December to prepare to stage the comedy.

The story behind Cinderella 2000 updates the classic fairy tale just a bit. For one, the prince (sixth-grader Joey Lormel) doesn’t pursue Cinderella (fifth-grader Amber Lohne) because he thinks she’s refined, but instead because he thinks she’s a great basketball player.

"Instead of a glass slipper, we’ve got glass Nikes," Dragotto said.

A little gender equity has also been added. There’s the expected Fairy God-mother (fifth-grader Kelly Green) and a Fairy Godfather (sixth-grader John Smith).

The lead characters are accompanied by an ensemble of Cinderella’s mice – all dressed in basketball uniforms – and others, as well as a few supporting characters. Among them are sixth-graders Travis Rothschild (May 4) and Barry Brown (May 5) as the Grand Duke, Kristin Lamagna as the stepmother, and Makenna Hills and Dana DeLeon as Cinderella’s stepsisters Uglina and Gruzella.

Perhaps the most fun of all the modernization in this show, written by Kurt Buis, will be music that Dragotto herself has added to the show.

"We have the waltz and then in the middle of it everyone breaks into ‘Hammer-time’ (by MC Hammer)," she said. "It looks really cute to see them all dressed up and watch them decide they’re going to boogie."

Dragotto said the task of putting together the show has been grueling, but said the students have kept up with the schedule and put in their all.

"They’re a very dedicated bunch," she said. "For 10- and 11-year-olds, you would be amazed."

Serving as assistant director is Laura Pritchard. Trevor Bryan is art director. John Neider is the musical producer and engineer.

— Louis C. Hochman