Township to get federal aid to complete Route 522

The House of Representatives last week overwhelmingly approved an appropriations bill that includes $250,000 for the completion of Route 522.

By:David Weinstein
   The House of Representatives last week overwhelmingly approved an appropriations bill that includes $250,000 for the completion of
Route 522.
   “While the road construction is nearly complete, there are still some outstanding issues that the township must pay for,” said Rep. Rush Holt, whose 12th District includes South Brunswick. “This federal funding will help fund those commit­ments.”
   County Route 522 runs east to west be­tween Route 27 and Route 130. A proposal to extend the road past Route 130 east to County Road 535
is also pend­ing.
   The ma­jority of construction was com­pleted last fall after months of delay, allowing vehicles to traverse the full route of the roadway. But work remains to be complete­d.
   The install­ation of soundwalls between the New Road and Route 1 section, and also for the section that runs from Georges to Kingston roads are expected. This section also will be widened from two, to four lanes each way.
   Ac­cording to Township Manager Mat­thew Watkins, contracts to complete construction of the road soon will be awarded by South Brunswick.
   It was these outstanding issues that prompted Mayor Debra Johnson to ask Mr. Holt for federal assistance earlier this year, said Steven Ma­viglio, a spokesman for Mr. Holt’s office.
   On May 19, by a vote of 395-13, the House of Representatives approved the bill in which the $250,000 is in­cluded, Mr. Maviglio said.
   Senate approval of the bill may come be­fore Congress adjourns for the summer, at the end of July. The Route 522 project is included in the Appropriations Bill for the U.S. Department of Transporta­tion.
   And while the Senate is expected to vote on the bill sooner rather than later, Mr. Maviglio said, schedules often change.
   “We’re hoping to get that bill approved before the recess. However, these things sometimes have a way of getting pushed back. We’ll see,” he said.
   Esti­mates for the project’s completion exceed $12 million, township offi­cials have said. Earlier in the year, South Brunswick received a waiver from the 5 percent down payment municipalities usually pay when is­suing bonds for the completion of capital projects. The waiver was is­sued from the state Department of Community Affairs in March.
   And while the township will fund the cost of the road’s completion, Middlesex County will reimburse South Brunswick for approximately half that number upon completion, un­der an agreement between the township and coun­ty.
   Under the same agreement, the road’s mainte­nance will become the responsibil­ity of Middlesex County upon com­pletion as well.