South River looks for new captain, radio upgrades

Staff Writer

By Takesha Pettus

SOUTH RIVER — Now that Wesley Bomba has been promoted to police chief, the borough is looking into hiring a new police captain to replace him.

Borough Attorney Thomas Roselli has been authorized by the council to prepare an ordinance to begin the restructuring process of the department.

Earlier this month, Bomba was officially sworn in as chief by the council. He replaces former Police Chief Francis X. Eib, who announced his retirement last year.

The council will now have to determine who will succeed Bomba as captain.

Next in line for the position are lieutenants Michael Trojanowski and Joseph Kolakowski.

The council has also authorized Roselli to prepare an ordinance which would increase overtime parking ticket fees from $7 to $10.

The suggestion to increase the fines came from Municipal Judge James Hyland, according to borough officials.

Currently, the courts can impose the $7 fine with an additional $17 if the ticket is not paid after the 30 days allowed.

The council could introduce that ordinance at its July 19 council meeting.

The council has also approved, on first reading, an ordinance allowing for radio communications upgrades. The $400,000 bond would allow for communication improvements in the police, fire, rescue, roads, water and electric utility departments.

According to Business Administrator Charles Kolakowski, the improvements would allow for $190,000 to go toward the police, fire, rescue and roads departments.

In addition, $114,000 would be allocated to the electric utility department and $76,000 to the water department.

The improvements are much needed, Kolakowski said.

In recent months the police, fire and rescue squads have had communications problems. Signals were being received from overseas into the borough’s communication lines, he explained. Also, the borough still had several dead spots.

With the new equipment, which will be placed in the renovated municipal complex by next year, the borough is hoping to alleviate any problems.