S.R. police may move into trailers Relocation will be temporary

S.R. police may move into trailers
Relocation will be temporary

The South River police will likely be housed in trailers during renovations to the Main Street Police Station.

Borough Councilman Tele Koukourdelis said the borough has already received approval to go out to bid for the trailers. The police department will be located in two trailers and the courts system in one.

The trailers, if approved, will be placed in the parking lot of the former Lincoln School, located at the corner of Prospect and Williams streets.

Earlier this year, the borough allocated $150,000 for the move as part of the borough’s $2.3 million renovation plan to the police station.

Koukourdelis also said that the borough will be using the former Lincoln School for storage of some records during the move.

The borough had been exploring temporarily housing police in the old middle school on Thomas Street. But those plans prompted concerns from many.

Koukourdelis said the borough did investigate using the old middle school and found that there may be asbestos or lead paint within the structure. Although the hazards were not as great as some made them out to be, Koukourdelis said, the borough decided it would probably be best if the trailers were used.

Court sessions will likely be conducted in another town. Officials from the borough and Sayreville have been discussing possibly using Sayreville’s court during renovations.

If approved, the borough would pay Sayreville $200 per session for full use of the court and police holding cells.

The council will vote on the proposal at next Wednesday’s meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the War Memorial Building, Main Street.

The borough is also exploring alternate communications systems for the police.

Koukourdelis said the borough is currently in negotiations with East Brunswick to use a channel on its communications tower instead of relocating the borough’s tower.

East Brunswick has a larger tower than the borough. Koukourdelis said the borough did testing in the borough using East Brunswick’s system and it worked throughout the town, even in the dead spot areas near Willett Manor.

The borough is also purchasing equipment from Motorola that could be used if the agreement is approved.

The council may have to hold a special meeting after the scheduled meeting next week to award the contract for that project and the bid for the trailers, Koukourdelis said.

— Takesha Pettus