Performers, guests lent spirit to Halloween evening

On Halloween night, our household was honored by 480 ghosts, ghouls, goblins, kings, princesses, bunnies and countless other costume-clad young adults and adults alike. We wish to thank all of you for sharing with us in the "spirit" of the evening.

To those souls brave enough to venture through the Electrocution, the Deli and the Cemetery, we congratulate you; and to those less adventurous, well, perhaps next time.

During the evening and the days that followed, we were constantly asked to reveal the actors’ names. After considerable pressure coupled with the fact that they should also be recognized for a job well done, we give you their names with pleasure and gratitude.

The Warden was Gary Burman; the cemetery ghoul was Anthony Burman; the arm-losing deli patron was played by Jesse Lambros; the butcher was Blake Sframeli; the cemetery walking-dead ghouls were Matthew Mancini, Sue and Don Marantz, and Stefanie Sframeli; the electric-chair victim was Jonathan Mancini; the padre was Frank Mancini; the kind hostess was played by Janice Staib; and the electric-chair survivor was Roger Staib.

Again, we wish to thank the community, our guests and the actors for all that was achieved.

Roger and Janice Staib
