Reelect board slate in Twin Rivers

By: Linda Romanowski
To the editor:
   I would like to encourage my friends and neighbors in Twin Rivers to remember to vote! Marty Bernstein, Bob Hudak and Warren Kross have been good enough to seek re-election. These three men are responsible for so many of the improvements to our community that it would be a tragedy for us to lose them.
   Last year the CBTR members who ran for our board, (one of whom is trying again) were stunningly and resoundingly defeated. Please, for the sake of our community, let’s help history to repeat itself in this case. I know it’s scary, but try to imagine what our community would be like in the hands of these people.
   They have stalked, harassed, physically assaulted, and sued board members and residents who disagree with them, and now they are suing to obtain confidential information about YOU!
   They have cost our community hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, fees that continue to mount as they continue their campaign of lawsuit terrorism. Are these really the people who will represent your best interest?
   Please consider your vote carefully, remember that Mr. Bernstein, Mr. Hudak and Mr. Kross have given freely of their time, creativity and knowledge. Remember that the only gauges of future accomplishments are the deeds of the past. Look at what the men and woman running for our board and what they have done in the past, not at the pretty words they recite with smiling faces. Who do you want representing your interests in our home?
   I’ve already voted for the three men who have proven that they have my best interests at heart, and the will, creativity, and wisdom to implement strategies that have improved my home and lifestyle, and will continue to make Twin Rivers they kind of community in which I can take pride.

Linda Romanowski
East Windsor