Women’s Organization expresses thanks for holiday help

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in Millstone who gave so generously in the last six hectic weeks. Some of you will identify with more than one category (isn’t that wonderful!).

The list is in no particular order and is as follows: the coordinating lady, the gift ladies, the poinsettia ladies, the first aid lady, the cooking men, the gift-tag children, the book lady, the salon owner, the youth group, the toy ladies, the meal makers, the Avon lady, the pet-sitter, the turkey man and ladies, the deep-freeze folks, the cash ladies, the wrapping ladies, the masseuse and the teacher, the gift-bag lady, the decorator, Santa and his chorus, the thrift shop ladies, the drop-off ladies, the calendar and card ladies, the accordion player, the food donors, the church lady, the fruit bunch, and the office lady.

The generosity and thoughtfulness of the community, especially the members of the Women’s Organization, is certainly appreciated. I wish all of you a healthy and happy new year.

Barbara A. Rubin

The Women’s Organization
