By: Laura Toto

Township joins regional planning effort

   The Township Committee passed a resolution to enter into an agreement with Montgomery Township to take steps to control development, last week.
   By a unanimous vote, the committee joined a regional planning effort, spearheaded by Montgomery mayor Louise Wilson. The project also includes Hopewell, East Amwell, Montgomery, Rocky Hill, Franklin and Princeton.
   The resolution noted that according to studies of the current zoning in the seven communities, more than 90 million sq. ft. of land could succomb to development. The resolution seeks to establish a series of meetings and forums with the community partners to "forge a consensus on common goals," as well as seek strategies for guiding development.
Committee joins efforts to make road ‘scenic byway’

   A resolution was passed to include the Hillsborough section of Millstone River Road as a historic corridor.
   The designation of that road as a historic corridor will allow the township to be eligible for federal grant money. Hillsborough joins Franklin, Millstone Borough and Montgomery in the project.
   The effort to have the road declared as a scenic byway has been led by the the Millstone Valley Preservation Coalition.
Administrator, zoning officer hired

   In other action, the committee passed a resolution for HVAC services in the amount of $11,100 for a maintenance or repair contract in the municipal complex, completed the hiring of Township Administrator Judith C. Haas, and hired a zoning and planning offier.
   Ms. Haas was officially hired at an annual salary of $85,000. She began her new duties Monday.
   The hiring of Assistant Township Planner / Zoning Officer William Cairney in the Planning Department was also approved, and the committee set his annual salary at $41,980. The township has been without this position for about eight months, with Township Engineer Frank Scarantino acting as the Zoning Officer.
   The township also hired Banish Associates for a professional services contract to provide the township with planning services while preparing the Master Plan update for services which would not exceed $20,000.
   Banish Associates, Inc. was hired to redo the master plan and make it compatible with the township’s vision of Hillsborough, Mayor Joseph Tricarico said.