Hooligan’s splits pair with Fornicola Brothers

It ended the same way it started. When Hooligan’s and Fornicola Brothers met Sunday morning, the latter held a three-game lead.

When the dust settled after the doubleheader, Fornicola’s still maintained its three game bulge in the Long Branch Sunday Adult Softball League’s West Division. Fornicola’s won the first game to boost its lead to four games, but Hooligan’s came back to win the nightcap, 8-6.

IAMA continues to creep up on the leaders and swept a doubleheader against Springdale Café. IAMA won the opener, 6-0, and took the second outing, 17-7. IAMA is a game behind Hooligan’s.

Shore Athletics held its East Division lead against the Norwood Agency after splitting their twin bill.

Norwood pounded out a 15-7 in the first game, and Shore Athletics would not be denied and retaliated with a barrage of its own for a 12-7 decision in the second game.

The Redbirds and Larchwood Bar played a regularly scheduled doubleheader and then made up another two games. However, both teams failed to report their results.


(as of June 30)

West Division


Fornicola Brothers 14 4

Hooligan’s 10 6

IAMA 9 7

Springdale Café 2 16

East Division


Shore Athletics 13 5

Norwood Agency 9 7

Redbirds 4 10

Larchwood Bar 3 9