Rain, rain, go away. Long Branch adult softball teams want to play

Rain, rain, go away. Long Branch adult softball teams want to play

Once again the rains came and caused the postponement of the doubleheaders scheduled in the Long Branch Adult Sunday Softball League.

It was supposed to be makeup week for the league, but now this Sunday will find the makeup schedule taking precedent over the regular season schedule.

There will also be a pair of makeup doubleheaders played following the regular twinbills, so four teams will be playing four games on Sunday.

The regular schedule finds all doubleheaders starting at 9:30 a.m.

It will be a make or break day for the IAMA softball team. It plays Norwood Agency in the first doubleheader and then comes back to battle Hooligans in the second set of games. Hooligans holds a game lead over IAMA before the action begins.


West Division


Fornicola Brothers 14 4

Hooligans 10 6

IAMA 9 7

Springdale Café 2 16

East Division


Shore Athletics 13 5

Norwood Agency 9 7

Redbirds 4 10

Larchwood Bar 3 9


(Doubleheaders Start at 9:30 a.m.)

Shore Athletics vs. Redbirds at Bath & Indiana

Fornicola Brothers vs. Springdale Café at Elberon School

IAMA vs. Norwood Agency at IAMA

Hooligans vs. Larchwood Bar at Atlantic Ave.

(Doubleheaders Following Regular Games)

IAMA vs. Hooligans at IAMA

Norwood Agency vs. Larchwood Bar at Elberon School

—Jack Oakley