Regionalization can benefit all involved

Regionalization can
benefit all involved

Approving the plan to regionalize garbage collection in Fair Haven, Little Silver, Red Bank and Shrewsbury looks like a no-brainer for every local municipality but Little Silver.

Based on the report of the consultant hired to look into the idea of regionalizing garbage collection, each town except for Little Silver would see significant savings from such a move.

For Little Silver, the cost of garbage collection would rise, but that expense would come with an expansion of service that should at least allow borough officials there to consider the plan.

For the good of the region, that would be wise.

Considering how much others would save, it may even be worthwhile for them to absorb Little Silver’s increase — at least initially — to get the borough to participate.

And considering the amount of money that Fair Haven, Red Bank and Shrewsbury would be saving, such a move certainly makes sense.

Even sharing the added cost for Little Silver, each participating town would see a sizable benefit from the plan.

Overall, the four communities are looking at a total savings of as much as $900,000.

Freeing up that money would certainly make things easier on borough officials when it comes time to prepare their budgets.

Every one of them can tell you that there are many items in the budget for which their hands are tied, so all should be anxious to take the money-saving opportunities that are available to them.

In addition, every step toward regionalization should make taking the next step easier.

And that holds the potential for even greater savings down the road.

While there may not be tremendous pressure on communities to look at such savings right now, the escalating expenses each faces probably means regionalization will happen whether or not the towns truly favor it.