Omission of Legionnaires from fair dismays resident

Recently I had the privilege of attending Keyport’s Fireman’s Fair. It was a lovely event, held in a beautiful location on a superb summer evening. The volunteers working the concession stands and game tables were friendly, the food was delicious and priced right, but overall it was the overwhelming feeling of community spirit that struck me.

After the tragic loss of our brave New York firefighters, the Keyport Fireman’s Fair was a welcome reminder that we share in our civic duties to our neighbors and community. I would like to personally thank all the wonderful firefighters who volunteer their time and safety. To the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) representatives and Keyport police I had the pleasure to meet at the Fireman’s Fair, bravo to a job well done. To the merchants selling POW/MIA memorabilia at the fair, kudos to you for not letting us forget, especially our younger generations.

But I must express my dismay to find our Keyport American Legion, Monmouth County’s oldest post, was declined the privilege to represent itself at the Fireman’s Fair. I am truly dismayed that men and women who served their country with honor would be refused the honor of standing side by side with Keyport’s fine firefighters and police officers, especially during this community building event.

My husband is a member of the American Legion Post. His father and mine, both deceased, were veterans of foreign wars. I have several family members who serve in the police force, auxiliary police force and fire departments. I am equally thankful to all of them for their service and protection.

I would like my young daughter to know her grandfathers who fought in Vietnam and Korea are just as important as the police officers who protect our streets and the firefighters who protect our homes. We will soon be without our Korean and Vietnam veterans, which means we will soon lose an important part of history. If our children don’t learn to respect these honorable men and women today, they surely won’t do so tomorrow. That is everyone’s civic duty … firefighters, police officers and Legionnaires.

I hope that next year’s fair will be even more successful and that we will see equal representation of the brave men and women who serve their country and community yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Sophia Lamberson
