Comfort pillows being
made as fund-raiser
Members of the Jackson United Methodist Church and some friends from Greenbriar Winding Ways, Jackson, have gotten together to make "comfort pillows" (little pillows with hearts on them) which will be given out for a $5 donation to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) whose slogan is "Love in the Midst of Tragedy."
I heard on the news how important it was for them to receive financial donations. My heart turned to the children of the victims. When I was 6 years old my father deserted his little girls. I cried the other night because I thought how awful to think how many moms and dads are out there that do not contact their children, and then I think of all those wonderful mothers and fathers who loved their children and may never see them again.
I reached out to my church members and residents of Greenbriar Winding Ways. Quite a few people gave their names on signup sheets to cut, sew and stuff these pillows. The children are involved, too. Some are sewing, others stuffing. A young girl who was working the cash register at Wal-Mart had tears in her eyes when I told her what the fabric was for and she offered to come and help. Many people also made donations and received their comfort pillows, others just made donations.
I was given a $100 donation from a gentleman I know and he held the pillow to his heart and said he was going to send it to his niece in Israel. We all feel sad at this time and a comfort pillow is a nice way of letting someone know you care. I am sending my sister in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a pillow to take to her church and see if they would be interested in the same project.
We all hurt so bad for the victims and feel so helpless and this is a way for us to help. I would appreciate it if you can help us or have your church or community group get together and help make and market these pillows for the same fund or a similar one. I will be happy to get you started. If anyone else does take on this project I would like to know so we have a record of the donations collected for it. I wrote a comforting message on a card which goes with the pillow. I can be contacted at (732) 833-0846, or by e-mail at [email protected].
God bless you and thank you for any assistance you can give.
Joyce Cook