As the new elected officials take office this week, it is now time to keep the promises made during the year.
There is a new majority on the Township Council in North Brunswick.
Democrats have taken that leadership role back, promising to show more civility and to reverse the Otken farm condemnation.
On Tuesday, those officials placed their hands on a Bible and swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
That was the easy part.
Now comes the time to keep those promises in the heat of battle on the dais.
While not much will change in South Brunswick this year, the promises there also need to be kept.
Many of the issues that have appeared in this publication during 2001 are still ongoing, and need attention from those in government.
As the new year begins on a hopeful and positive note in our towns, we hope that those on the governing bodies remember why they are there.
For some, it may be continued service. Others, however, have promises to keep.