Waiting for an explanation from committee

Considering the political tensions that abound in Millstone, when the Millstone Township Committee announced they were having not only the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office look into allegations made by a resident against then Committeeman Bill Kastning (in September 2000), but also hiring an independent investigator to look into the same allegations at a cost of approximately $7,000, one had to wonder if the committee’s decision was prudent or motivated by other reasons.

In January 2001, the Prosecutor’s office reported that they found no evidence of any wrongdoing, case closed.

What is difficult to believe is that Wilentz, Goldman and Spitzer, Woodbridge, the independent investigators, paid for by our tax dollars have been to date unable to submit their report. We were told initially by Mayor Evan Maltz that the report would be completed in August 2001, then December 2001, then the middle of January.

At the Jan. 16 committee meeting, we were told the report, already delayed three times, is to be concluded by the end of January. Let’s hope that it is. Along with the results, an explanation for the delays from the Township Committee, which was responsible for hiring a firm unable to complete its work in a timely manner, is also due the residents of Millstone, who are the ones footing the bill.

Joann Kelty
