Jackson Twp. family expresses many thanks

Jackson Twp. family expresses many thanks

We are sorry it took so long for our thanks to the public. We wanted to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the Scalisi family’s donation box at 5 Terry Court in Jackson, for the firefighters in New York City.

We have collected $763 total; $463 was donated to the Uni-formed Firefighters of America Widows and Children’s Fund in New York City and $300 was donated to one widow of a New York City firefighter and her children, who desperately needed this money for survival.

The caring and concern shown by all of you enabled our family to provide this contribution and was much appreciated by all of us.

Our neighbor and our family had set up collection boxes in front of our homes in the weeks following the Sept. 11 tragedy, on the honor system. We both emptied these boxes each night, however, on two occasions our collection box was totally missing any donations. We assumed our collection box had been robbed on these two occasions, as was our neighbor’s.

Fortunately, we, the Scalisi family, still managed to collect $763 to donate. We hope the heartless individual or individuals that robbed our collection box can live with their consciences.

Once again, thank you to all the generous residents from "Santa and his little elves" on Terry Court.

The Scalisi Family
