From the April 4 edition of the Register-News

100 years ago
   The past winter has been one of decidedly unpleasant weather and is proving most unhealthful everywhere. The frequent warm spells lead to carelessness in clothing and colds and throat, bronchial and lung troubles have been the constant results of untimely exposure. It has been a winter of thaws, mud, fog and wet weather.
   Grip, diphtheria, typhoid and other contagious or infectious diseases are prevalent in many parts of the state and many towns have had epidemics of a more or less severe character. On chronic sufferers from lung affections the season has been particularly severe. There is nothing especially delightful about zero weather but it would be pleasant to have a month of keen, bright, cold weather with a stiff wind to blow away the malaria and sunshine to dry up the plague spots.
75 years ago
   On the theory: it is better to send flowers to the living, the Seattle Store had a luncheon Saturday afternoon in honor of Mr. Homborg and to celebrate the rounding out of 37 years with the House of Roebling, 23 years of which have been with the Seattle Store. We also made this our annual get-together meeting.
   The boys made up a jackpot and presented Julius with a combination tobacco humidor and a pipe rack plus two dandy pipes as a souvenir of the occasion.
The April accident record for the Trenton and Roebling plants show a decreased of one accident over the previous month, the Trenton plant having three, whereas the Roebling plant had but one which was caused by a hot bar running through a man’s foot.
The Blue Center Football Club’s "Billy Goat" mascot, which was presented to the club by one of its admirers, is being nursed through the winter by the Boy Scouts. Billy is doing nicely in his new home and is affording the boys an additional interest to their scout activities. Billy has all the manners of a "well-polished" goat, and has learned many tricks to the delight of the boys.
54 years ago
   Roebling wire product customers make up a veritable cross-section of American industrial life. The uses of Roebling products are many and diversified, and Roebling field installations are to be found in virtually every section of the country. All of the nation’s basic industries buy Roebling products, including mining, logging, shipping, construction, oil, automotive and electrical operations.
Since its inception following World War I, the American Legion has been a force for good in the country. Its notable achievements in the fields of good citizenship, youth betterment and community welfare stand as a matter of record. Roebling is proud to salute the membership of Willitts-Hogan-Tonne, Post 39. This Legion group is promoting an active campaign having as its primary objective the building and maintaining of a progressive American community at Roebling.
Compiled by Vanessa Sarada Holt from The Bordentown Register, 1902; The Blue Center, 1927; Roebling, 1948.