Chit-Chat: City woman proud of Dumpster diving!

By: Merle Citron
   Church Street resident Sally Stang is what I refer to as "a piece of work."
   Sally’s mother was an artist, Lee Stang Harr, which probably accounts for the wide variety of talents Sally possesses. She is a singer, artist, teacher and, most definitely, a comedian.
   "I’m currently working on the creation of assemblages made from a variety of natural flora and fauna," Sally told me.
   For four years, Sally taught a glass bead-making class called "8 Women With Blow Torches" at Artworks in Trenton. She is responsible for starting our local sing-alongs like the Copper Penny Christmas caroling in town and the July 4 musical extravaganza held at Sheridan Park on York Street. She has taught sign language at Mercer County Community College.
   "When I was a child, I read about Helen Keller," she said. "I learned to sign because I was fascinated by her."
   At the end of May, she will have her fifth cabaret at Odette’s in New Hope. She works for the Trenton Times as a graphic artist.
   "But best of all," she confided, " I love to go ‘Dumpster diving.’ I adore trashing at 3 in the morning. Honestly, I live for Sparkle Week. If you hear something in the middle of the night, don’t worry. It’s only me looking for furniture treasures in your trash."
   You go, girl.
   Sharon and Bruce Wutke and their two teen-age sons, James and Kyle, live in a house on Route 179 Sharon’s grandparents, Frances and Jim Monteverde, built in the 1920s.
   Sharon was born and raised in town, and Bruce has always lived in this area. Sharon used to work in banking. She changed jobs, and for the past six years, she has worked at Niece Lumber as its bookkeeper.
   Sharon is a strong believer in contributing her time and energy to her family, friends, job and community. She is the president of the South Hunterdon Parent-Teacher-Student-Organization.
   "I feel good doing this for the kids," she told me. "I enjoy it. I’m your room volunteer type of mom."
   As president of the South PTSO, a few months ago she volunteered to get soda to sell at the school’s production of the play "Pippin."
   "I went to my boss, Tim Blair," she told me, "and asked him how much soda he thought I should buy. Tim asked how much soda I thought I’d need, and then he donated all of it. I see first-hand just how often Niece Lumber helps our town. I can’t say enough about how much the Lambertville community appreciates all the support we receive from Niece Lumber."
   " I’ll second that!
   Like Sharon, Tish Secula of Cottage Hill has always been involved with the Lambertville community.
   When her son, Mike, was in high school, Tish served as the president of the South PTSO. Tish works for Weidel Real Estate. Her son, a South Hunterdon grad, is now 21 years old and is finishing up at Rider University.
   Rick and Kathy Buscavage, owners of Rick’s Restaurant, are strong supporters of the Lambertville community.
   They have donated to many community projects. According to John Henchek of Quarry Street, who is one of the organizers of the City Hall renovation project, "Rick and Kathy are terrific. They just donated old rockers for the front porch, which will eventually wrap around City Hall, just like the porch on the original Holcombe house."
   John also said Crystal Cusworth, who is a conservator with her studio located on the third floor of the People’s Store, also will make a donation to the project.
   "Crystal restores old paintings, and she has donated $500 worth of conservation work for the art placed on the walls of City Hall," he said.
   Mila Montemayor, a native of the Philippines, lives on George Street.
   She is a woman of tremendous energy and drive. Mila owns a Princeton-based marketing research company called Global Strategic Intelligence. She is the president of Lambertville’s Kalmia Club, and she is in charge of the English as a Second Language program at St. John’s Church.
   When we spoke, Mila discussed how necessary the ESL classes are in our town.
   "We have many new residents who don’t speak English," she said. "Everyone is welcome to participate in the program, not only members of the church. By the way, we also need people to serve as substitute teachers."
   Mila stressed teachers don’t need to be able to speak Spanish.
   Joan Stack lives on Lambert Lane.
   Although her life has been filled with scintillating conversations with interesting people, and she has traveled to far-flung places, nothing lights up Joan’s eyes like a discussion about any of her children.
   "My son, Tim Stack is the creator and star of Son of the Beach, a TV show on the second Fox channel," she said. "I think it’s very lucky that Tim’s show is on at 10 at night when the kids are asleep. It’s a take-off on Baywatch."
   She also told me the show is geared toward men from 19 to 48, and its ratings are very high.
   I recently saw Roberto Keyes, who is the owner and chef of Marcella’s Restaurant in Washington Crossing, Pa.
   Right now, Bobby is chomping at the bit, waiting for his restaurant to re-open after a fire destroyed Marcella’s one week before the Christmas holidays.
   "We should be ready to go by mid-May," Bobby happily told me.
   Folks in town may remember Marcella’s began in 1984 on Church Street in the restaurant behind Mitchell’s Bar. Marcella’s then moved to Stockton and has been in its current location for 10 years.
   FYI: Bobby’s sister, Nancy, manages Baker’s Treat in Flemington. Bobby explained Baker’s Treat café is a non-profit organization serving women with drug and alcohol problems.
   Good luck with your restaurant, Bobby.
   Yvonne Warren lives on Coryell Street and has lived in town for almost 20 years.
   Yvonne really does love Lambertville and takes great pleasure in recording the history of our city. She is the consulting historian to the Lambertville Historical Society and is involved with the operation of the James Marshall House Museum on Bridge Street.
   Yvonne is also a good friend and neighbor. When I saw her, she was sweeping the sidewalk in front of a house on North Union Street.
   "Why are you sweeping here?" I asked her.
   "An 88 year-old friend of mine lives here," she replied. "Wet leaves can be dangerous so I decided to sweep."
   Way to go, Yvonne!
   And there you have it folks, a little chit and a little chat.