City mulls adding alternates to sewer board

By: Carl Reader
   LAMBERTVILLE — The City Council introduced an ordinance Monday night to add two alternates to the Lambertville Sewerage Authority.
   "Often we end up with only three members and sometimes only two members, and we can’t take action with that," said Councilwoman Cindy Ege, who’s also a member of the authority. "This would help facilitate our meetings. There were times, not this past year, but the prior year, when we couldn’t even have a meeting."
   The council will take up the issue again at its regular May 20 meeting.
   "The planning board and the zoning board have alternate members," Mayor David Del Vecchio said. "That way (with alternates), you never have a quorum problem. A lot of municipal utilities around the state have alternates."
   The first alternate will be appointed for a four-year term and the second for a five-year term, according to City Clerk Mary Sheppard.
   "This will help out enormously since the alternates will be ready to step up," Mrs. Ege said.
   Councilman Steve Stegman asked if an alternate could be on another government board, and Mr. Del Vecchio said he could not be on the zoning board.
   "I think it’s only (being on) the zoning board that precludes holding any other office," Ms. Sheppard said.
   By the time the council meets next to discuss the issue, it will look into just what governing bodies alternates can serve on, the mayor said.