Council postpones adopting budget

By:Brian Shappell
   Residents had their chance Tuesday to weigh in on the 2002 municipal budget that keeps the municipal tax rate stable.
   The township presented its proposed $36.2 million operating budget, which is 2.9 percent larger than last year’s.
   However, when it came time for members of the public to comment, no one did.
   The budget calls for the tax rate to remain at the 2001 rate of 43 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. Last year, the Township Council increased the rate by 2 cents, the first increase since 1997. At the proposed rate, the owner of a house assessed at the township average of $181,600 would pay $780 in municipal taxes.
   The council is expected to vote on the budget May 7. The council did not vote on the budget Tuesday because an amendment was made to the operating budget for a $592,000 appropriation to cover an unanticipated insurance expenditure, said Township Manager Matt Watkins.
   Mr. Watkins said the proposed budget includes the continuation of existing programs such as the Mayor’s Internship Program, a $354,000 increase in salaries that includes the addition of six new employees and a number of capital improvement projects such as park development and sidewalk/road improvements.
   In addition, there will be increases in the amount of debt being paid on capital projects such as construction of Route 522 to $6.6 million, increases in funding to township organizations such as the Arts Commission and a $298,000 increase in litigation costs for attorneys representing police officers named in lawsuits.
   Mr. Watkins said the council was able to keep taxes at the 2001 steady because of increased revenue, including the use of more surplus, county and federal payments for Route 522 and the potential sale of liquor licenses. He also said an increase in taxable property will spread the tax burden across a larger base.
   On the revenue side, the budget calls for $19.2 million to be raised in property taxes in 2002, up from $15.7.
   The township plans to use $4.58 million of its surplus as revenue in 2002, up from last year’s $4.36 million. The township anticipated having $7.6 million available in surplus at the beginning of this year. The final surplus tally will not be available until an audit is completed.