Harrison Street residents want measures to cut speeds, traffic

Many living along the busy roadway say they would like traffic-calming measures, such as speed humps and raised crosswalks.

By: Jennifer Potash
   Harrison Street residents are seeking relief from both speeding cars and heavy traffic volume.
   Members of the Harrison Street Neighborhood Association met Thursday at the Whole Earth Center on Nassau Street to map out strategies.
   The residents said they would like traffic-calming measures, such as speed humps and raised crosswalks, installed on the busy thoroughfare.
   The street, along with Washington Road and Alexander Street, is a major artery from Route 1 into the Princetons.
   Noting that jurisdiction for Harrison Street falls under three authorities — the borough, the township and West Windsor — the Harrison Street residents agreed to develop a plan targeting each portion of the road.
   The residents are concerned with the section of Harrison running from Nassau Street to Route 1.
   Many residents said they would like traffic lights installed at intersections such as Patton Avenue in the borough and Southern Way and Sycamore Road in the township.
   A questionnaire sent to Harrison Street residents by the association indicated support for raised crosswalks, similar to the ones on Hodge Road, at the intersection of Lilac Lane.
   Many of the painted crosswalks across Harrison Street are barely visible, said Alan Goodheart of Harrison Street.
   Bobbie Parmet, a township Harrison Street resident, said the street appears to have picked up more traffic from Washington Road, which had pedestrian traffic lights installed two years ago. The additional traffic lights are thought to induce motorists to seek a faster way into and out of Princeton by using Harrison Street.
   More immediate steps the municipalities could take, according to residents, include removing confusing street signs and creating a uniform 25 mile per hour speed limit for Harrison Street.
   The association intends to meet with the traffic and transportation committees of the borough and the township to seek support for the traffic-calming measures.