Township’s $946,000bond ordinance gets approval

By: John Tredrea
   A $946,000 bond ordinance under which replacement vehicles and other equipment for the police and public works departments, along with a variety of other gear, was adopted unanimously by the full Hopewell Township Committee May 2.
   Four hundred and five thousand dollars of the money raised by the bond will be spent on vehicles and related equipment, including $25,000 for a truck for the township Health Department, $30,000 for replacement of a 4-wheel-drive vehicle for the Police Department, $25,000 for crash cushions for Public Works trucks, $130,000 for replacement of a tandem dump truck with plow, $100,000 for replacement of a dump truck with plow and sander, and $75,000 for the replacement of the truck used to pick up bulky waste items, such as appliances.
   Another $115,000 will be used for Public Works and parks equipment, including $90,000 for a boom mower, $5,000 for a trailer, $15,000 for playground equipment and $5,000 for construction of a veterans’ memorial.
   During the public hearing on the ordinance, held just before the committee cast its adoption vote, township resident Sevi DiCocco of Poor Farm Road asked why the bulky waste truck is being replaced. Township administrator Christine Smeltzer said the truck that will be taken out of service is 11 years old, has over 100,000 miles on it and is a "safety issue" because of operational problems with the worn-out tailgate’s lift apparatus.
   Mr. DiCocco also asked what the $15,000 for recreational equipment will cover. Hopewell Valley recreation director Michael Hritz replied it will be used for bleachers at Independence Park, in Brandon Farms, plus miscellaneous other items.
   Improvement to buildings used by the township will use another $116,850 of the money. Among the items covered are $15,000 for installation of windows and thermostatic controls in the Public Works building, $33,000 for the purchase and installation of three heat pumps and a water softening system in the municipal building, $33,850 for renovations to municipal court and $5,000 for the purchase and installation of new tax window.
   Police equipment will cost $152,500, including $130,000 for purchase and installation of a radio system upgrade, $10,000 for the purchase of a generator for the radio repeater site on New Road, and $12,500 the replacement of five radar units.
   Computer hardware and software and office equipment will use approximately $155,000 more.