Letter’s criticism of art ‘myopic’

Letter to the editor

To the editor:
   It is curious to understand the lack of creativity and understanding described in the myopic criticism of a Princeton professor of sociology toward a work of great importance in otherwise undifferentiated halls of a typical New Jersey high school. It is not difficult to sense the theme and dedication and, yes, love, of an art instructor toward the demographically diverse student body. Mr. Plank devoted over 150 hours of his time along with many participating students to produce a masterpiece that raises the standards of the entire school in a way not seen in the halls of the most prestigious high schools of this state and perhaps the nation. Instead of focusing on his egocentric view of the world, Dr. Abalos should have suggested that this mural become a learning experience to be addressed in the history and humanities courses for future generations of students that pass through the Hightstown High School system. Surely Dr. Abalos would not focus critical review of Michelangelo’s creation of man on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel since it centers on the creation of man, without depicting a woman.
   Mr. Plank’s mural should be preserved as a wonderful gift that will continue to inspire students and faculty long after he has left the scene. For my part, I submit my sincere appreciation to Mr. Plank and challenge the humanities, history and sociology teachers at Hightstown High School to make use of this superb creation as a portal to examine the cultural history of all people on this planet earth.
Don Leibowitz
East Windsor
The writer is a professor of society ethics and technology at The College of New Jersey.