Police seeking manfor threatening girl

By:Alec Moore
   Police are looking for a man who made threatening statements to a 13-year-old girl. The man made the statements as the girl was walking home by herself from an April 27 party at the Somerset Park Townhouse Complex on Merritt Drive, police said.
   Police describe the Hispanic man as having an olive complexion, in his mid-40s, with average length black hair with blue streaks and a mustache. He was about 5 feet 5 inches tall, 130 pounds with a potbelly and medium-size frame.
   Despite the fact that it was dark out when the incident occurred — at approximately 10:40 p.m. — the man was wearing circular rimmed dark sunglasses when he approached the girl.
   Hillsborough police Lt. Paul Kaminsky said the man came within several feet of the girl — who lives in an apartment building neighboring the one where the party was held — and said something like, "you’re going to die tomorrow." The man did not make any comments of a sexual nature toward the girl.
   The man then got into a car being driven by another man and fled. Police describe the car as an older model, dark colored station wagon which had damage to its rear bumper.
   Police say they have not received any reports of a similar nature to this one in that immediate part of town. Police ask anyone with information about the man or the incident to contact the Hillsborough Police Department’s Investigative Division at (908) 369-3342 or (908) 369-4323 or the department’s crime tips hotline at 369-3520. All calls will be kept confidential.