School district constructionprojects going well

Brick, block work done at Stony Brook

By: John Tredrea
   In his monthly report to the school board Monday night, construction manager David Tillou said news on building the new elementary school in Brandon Farms "continues to be positive."
   All brick and block work on the school is complete. "The mason is gone. The ceiling grid is going in. The inspection of the work above the ceiling has begun," Mr. Tillou said. "We’re doing finish work … we’re in the home stretch."
   Mr. Tillou said his next goal is to have site work at the school finished by mid-June. "That means the construction fences would come down and construction trailers would be gone."
   In summary, if all continues to go well, the building should be ready for its opening in the fall of the 2002-2003 school year, he said. Named Stony Brook Elementary School, it will have a capacity of 520 students.
   At Central High School, where a new gym, auditorium and kitchen are being constructed on what Mr. Tillou calls "very aggressive schedule," work on the foundation of the gym has begun. "The auditorium and kitchen are furthest along," he said. "The steel for them showed up today. Steel for the gym is being fabricated now. The kitchen should be ready for the start of school."