Chalk Talk artists to raise funds in New Hope

By: Carl Reader
   NEW HOPE — Chalk one up to the largess of local businesses.
   Starbucks will hold a fund-raising event called Chalk Talk June 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., said Borough Council member Geri Delevich at the council’s May 14 meeting. Local artists will donate their time to create works of art in chalk on the sidewalks in front of Starbucks with hopes of garnering $2,500 from local businesses for charity.
   Business are being asked to sponsor the program with monetary contributions.
   The money will be given to Special Equestrian Therapeutic Program of Bucks County, a rehabilitation program that uses horses to help emotionally and physically challenged children.
   "It’s something that New Hope should embrace in that it has something to do with the arts," Ms. Delevich said.
   The chalk drawings should last for a few days, according to Ms. Delevich, since they are ground into the sidewalk. The benefits to the children who get to work with horses in the hopes of solving some of their problems can last much longer.
   "One of the cool things is it’s the first Starbucks to do this in the country," Ms. Delevich said.
   The project could be expanded to other Starbucks, she added. She characterized the project as a very worthy one.
   "You can actually watch the artists doing their drawings," Ms. Delevich added. "We’re certainly looking forward to any businesses coming forward to make contributions. Their goal is to make $2,500 for this cause. I think it would be great this project started in New Hope and could extend to other Starbucks throughout the country."
   Those who aren’t artists but would like to help can buy a raffle ticket from Starbucks in hopes of winning an espresso machine, Ms.Delevich said. The cost is $5.
   "So artists, get involved," Ms. Delevich said. "Also, local businesses."
   To contribute, call Starbucks at (215) 862-6069.