Princeton Partners gets Thompson web site

Princeton Partners Inc., founded in 1965, offers services including brand development, Web site development and more.

   The Thompson’s Co. of Upper Saddle River, the country’s leading maker of deck care and exterior waterproofing products, has engaged Princeton Partners Inc. to create a new promotional section on its Web site,
   "Our challenge was to create an educational and enlightening section of the Web site that was fun and easy to use, reinforced key messages about Thompson’s Water Seal products, and encouraged the user to complete the sweepstakes entry form at the end," says Tom Sullivan, president of Princeton Partners.
   Their solution was to involve visitors in a series of trivia questions, testing knowledge on wood care and treatment topics. By playing the game, contestants have the opportunity to enter a weekly drawing for a store gift check and to receive future informational e-mails. The game which will run through Nov. 9, immediately generated sweepstakes entries.
   Princeton Partners Inc., founded in 1965, offers services including brand development, Web site development, interactive marketing, advertising and public relations.