Resident commends Middle Road principal for action

There was the possibility of a pedophile lurking around our neighborhood recently, which turned out to be a false alarm. Even so, I’d like to commend the principal of Middle Road School, Loretta Zimmer, as well as all the administrators in the school system for notifying parents of the possibility of danger.

Hazlet is a lovely, very low crime community to live in, which leads many to the false notion that Hazlet is insular. Parents should counsel their children on the dangers of talking to strangers on the street, in vehicles, on the Internet, and in stores and malls. Hazlet is part of the big, bad, predatory world, and we have to do everything we can to protect our children.

I also would like to thank Detective Sgt. Charles McBride and his division for investigating the matter, bringing it to a close and notifying the school in such a quick and expeditious manner. I gives me great faith to know that our school system and police department take these matters so seriously.

Dolores Forsyth
