Wedick to withdraw from Keyport council race

Though the emotions may be mixed, please be assured that the structure of the personal convictions upon which this decision has been made is firm enough in its resolve to announce that I am withdrawing as a candidate for council in the borough of Keyport.

While the path to this decision has not been the easiest to travel, I do want to thank those who have reached out and supported both my initial efforts and those that concluded with the close of the primary this past June 4.

My decision to withdraw from this campaign is of a total nature and is based upon beliefs that encompass such areas as respect for others and oneself, in the keeping of one’s word and the understanding that sometimes personal desires do not outweigh those of the many.

As to those who will continue in this contest who may find themselves at odds with these beliefs, well, I offer to you my sympathy and my hopes that one day you can come to terms with it all.

To the residents of Keyport, I thank you for all the opportunities that you have afforded me over the years.

Joseph E. Wedick
