Concrete wall angers neighbor


   I live on Brandon Road and my neighbor on just recently built a brick wall that is 125 feet long and over 6 feet high between mine and his property. I live in a ranch house and this wall seems like a prison wall from my view. There are no walls in this neighborhood, so I was surprised that it would be permitted to build something like this.
   I checked with the Lawrence Township Zoning Officials and was informed, that no permit or approval had been issued for this wall. I filed a written complaint with the township, regarding my concerns, which are not only aesthetic — this is a very unsightly wall — but also, rainwater does not drain properly anymore towards the pond located on my neighbor’s property, because the wall stops the drainage and the water backs up onto my property.
   My complaints haven’t had any effect whatsoever and it is disappointing, that in a country, governed by laws, my neighbors can just go ahead and build a wall without having to consult anyone, therefore altering the whole neighborhood. They obviously did it with the implied confidence that a fine would take care of any considerations or objections.
   What is the purpose of zoning laws, permits, requirements and such, if anyone can just bypass them by paying up? What will they build next in my neighborhood?
   In a time, when countries become borderless as in Europe and we as Americans should be united, I just want to ask my neighbor, "Dear neighbor, please tear this wall down!"

Carmela Padalino
Brandon Road