Sheriff’s sale list on Internet site

The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office has announced that complete listings of recent and future foreclosure sales are now displayed on the Internet at

The "Recent Press Releases" section, located at the bottom of the home page, now links to a database that is regularly updated up to the hour before the scheduled foreclosure sales. Homes, businesses and properties in foreclosure are subject to auction pursuant to court order. Sheriff’s sales are held as an open auction every Monday at 2 p.m. at the Monmouth County Hall of Records, 1 E. Main St., Freehold.

The online listings are intended only to be a general summary of the latest information. All sales are subject to statutory adjournments and are sold subject to unpaid taxes, assessments, water rents and such statement of facts as an accurate survey of the premises might disclose.

Inspection of the property is not permitted. All sales may be subject to a first mortgage, as well as municipal, state or federal liens, if any. It is advised that a complete title search be conducted prior to the purchase of any property, as the purchaser must assume all liabilities.

In addition, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to record the deed at the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office. It is also the responsibility of the purchaser to notify an occupant, if any, that the property has transferred title and the premises must be vacated. The defendants do, however, have the right to sell their home prior to the sale; the property can be redeemed by the owner up to 10 days after the sale.

At the time of the sale, the attorney for the plaintiff will open the bidding at $100, and bidding will continue in a minimum of $100 increments until the highest bid is reached. The successful bidder must produce 20 percent of the bid as a deposit (cash or certified check), and the balance will be due in 30 days.

A sale can be adjourned at any time, and it is advisable to contact the sheriff’s office to determine whether or not a sale is still scheduled. A printout of adjournments or canceled sales is available at the sheriff’s office, 50 E. Main St., Mondays after 12:30 p.m. The printout also advises of the disposition or new sale date.