Register now for tour of historic Lakewood

Register now for tour
of historic Lakewood

The Lakewood Community School has scheduled a Historic Tour of Lakewood Nov. 14. Interested residents will join tour guides Edith and Sheldon Wolpin for a tour to include Lakewood recreational and municipal facilities, schools, churches, synagogues, the Strand Theatre, and Georgian Court College. Lunch will be provided at Georgian Court College. Cost to attend is $15.

The bus will depart the Lakewood Municipal Building at 10 a.m. and return approximately at 4 p.m. Deadline to register is Nov. 7. For more information or registration call (732) 905-3685.

Student club hosts

political forum at OCC

The student club known as SLAP (Students Learning About Politics) will be hosting an open political forum for several candidates who are running for congressional and senatorial office in order to raise the level of political and social awareness of issues that directly affect the public.

It will be held at the OCC lecture hall Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. Admission to the forum is free, refreshments will be served, and all are welcome to attend.

Third District congressional Democratic nominee Richard Strada. Socialist Green Party senatorial candidates Greg Pason and Ted Glick will be on hand to answer questions from the public.

This club is a bipartisan student-run political grassroots activist club at OCC. The club is dedicated to creating a stronger Democratic voice by educating students and surrounding communities about real politics.