Advisory panel to work with

FRHSD special education team

By dave benjamin
Staff Writer

By dave benjamin
Staff Writer

A group of five parents who have children attending five different schools in the Freehold Regional High School District have joined together to form a special education advisory committee.

Monique Wilson, Theresa Caruso, Phyllis Nadle, Judy Livny and Debbie Charette propose to work with Superin-tendent of Schools James Wasser and the Board of Education in matters concerning the education of students with disabilities.

"Before coming to the board with our goals we met with Dr. (Patricia) Emmerman (assistant superintendent of student services) in the hope that this would be a cooperative venture," Wilson said. "The committee met for the first time on Oct. 29. Approximately 25 parents and 15 staff attended that first meeting, giving us high hopes for the future of the group."

Wilson said the group members are eager to combine their energies toward the fulfillment of their goals. The five parents said they are committed to the future success of the advisory committee.

"The first meeting that we planned was very successful," Wilson said. "Based on input from parents and staff at that meeting, we have an agenda set up for the rest of this school year."

The special education advisory committee will submit a report of activities to the school board at least once each year.

"There is a committee of professionals and parents working on prep sheets for parents prior to their child’s IEP (individual education plan) meeting (with school administrators)," Emmerman said. "The committee is also working on follow-up surveys."

The advisory committee will set be setting up a series of workshops. It was expected that there would be a Dec. 3 workshop on best practices in transition, to be followed by a March workshop on guardianship and a May workshop covering self-advocacy for students.

"We look forward to working with the school staffs, the board of education and parents in the district in order to improve the education of all students receiving special education services," Wilson said.

"I welcome the collaborative efforts of the parents in continuing the excellent programs for our special needs students," Emmerman said.

For more information about the special education advisory committee parents may call Emmerman at (732) 792-7300, Ext. 8531 or Wilson at (732) 303-8356.

Students from Howell attend the six schools in the Freehold Regional High School District.