Letters policy

How to get your views in print

   The Hillsborough Beacon welcomes letters to the editor and opinions from our readers on subjects that interest them. Letters should not exceed 500 words without prior consultation with the editor. They should be typed and signed, and should include the writer’s address and daytime phone number.
   Matters that require a greater space or special attention may be submitted as guest columns, but only after prior approval from the managing editor. Guest columns should not exceed 800 words.
   It is our policy to print the address of the letter-writer only. The phone number is strictly for confirmation purposes only and will not be published. Deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday for Thursday’s paper.
   Opinions posted to www.hillsboroughbeacon.com also may be published as letters to the editor in The Hillsborough Beacon at the sole discretion of the editor. Letters also may be posted to www.hillsboroughbeacon.com.
   We reserve the right to edit letters for length, clarity or matters of libel. Because of the chance for misunderstanding, we will not accept letters that are handwritten.
   E-mail letters to [email protected], send them to John Patten, managing editor, Hillsborough Beacon, 307 Omni Drive, Hillsborough, N.J. 08876, or fax them to (908) 359-3930. To speak to the editor directly, call (908) 359-0850 weekdays.