Thanks to community for help with holiday projects

As a representative of both the Millstone Township Hospital Auxiliary and the Millstone Township Women’s Organization, I want to take this opportunity to thank the community for their support for our annual holiday projects. Many of you helped to make the auxiliary’s poinsettia sale a huge success. Of course, we could not do this without our wonderful local grower who always supplies us with such beautiful plants.

As for the Millstone Township Women’s Organization, a special thanks to our members, who during the last six weeks have taken the time to contribute 25 food baskets and a "wish tree" of gifts for Millstone residents. Thanks also to those members, their families and guests who participated in our annual caroling at the M&M Manor.

This year we also had three new major contributors. Millstone Elks Lodge No. 2613 generously contributed 25 turkeys for our Thanksgiving baskets. The parishioners of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church generously contributed "wish tree" gifts, food, grocery and gift certificates, and "linens and things." And a fourth-grade elementary class’ parents generously donated, and the children basketed, "tons" of groceries. Something I haven’t done in my previous years’ letters, but should have, is to thank my husband, a very generous man who endures mostly takeout from mid-November until just before Christmas — which, he adds, is not necessarily such a bad thing.

And, as usually, the following is a shorthand method for me to thank everyone anonymously, but you know who you are, and if you fall into more than one category, good for you! The list is in no particular order:

The administrative and gift-tag lady; all the gift, food and toy folks; the card and picture sketchers; the poinsettia ladies; the Hanukkah kids; the pantry lady; the first aid lady; the 40-book lady; the meal makers; the Avon lady; the turkey men; the swimming lady; Cub Scout Pack 351 and families; the deep-freeze folks; the goody-bag makers; the cash ladies; the scavenger hunt group; the ham man; the wrapping ladies; the former member family donors; Santa and his joyous chorus; the calendar and card ladies; the piano player; the go-between church lady; the potato and soda lady; and the locker room gang.

The generosity and thoughtfulness of the community is certainly appreciated by myself and those we serve. I wish all of you a healthy and happy New Year.

Barbara Rubin


Millstone Township

Hospital Auxiliary

Millstone Township

Women’s Organization