Proposed passenger rail line will be a benefit to Central Jersey

The Monmouth-Ocean-Middlesex rail project is the reactivation of approximately 40 miles of existing rail right of way through southern Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties.

I am a Jamesburg resident who, along with others, supports this beneficial public transportation project for many positive reasons.

Currently, the MOM line is opposed by the Middlesex County Board of Freeholders and the local governments of Jamesburg, South Brunswick and Monroe.

I respect the opposition of the mayor of Jamesburg and the Borough Council toward the MOM line.

However, I disagree with them on their position.

They do have valued concerns about the safety of our schoolchildren and property values. These concerns can be mitigated. They were addressed in a microstudy done for Jamesburg some time ago and can be resolved.

Middlesex County should not take the position of opposing the MOM rail line.

The freeholders should take a position of neutrality. The county is not made up of just three municipalities.

We did not know that the municipalities in Middlesex County that host passenger rail stations and lines, such as the Northeast Corridor Line and the New Jersey Coast Line, belong to a separate semi-autonomous region inside the county.

These municipalities receive the benefits of passenger rail service and the economic ripple that comes from them.

For Middlesex County to continue its opposition to the MOM project based on lower property values, traffic and overall safety is contradictory and not right.

Some speculate that there are special interest groups lobbying heavily and putting pressure on some of our elected officials because they fear that passenger rail service in southern Middlesex County will take away revenue from them. Far from it. All forms of public/private transportation will benefit from this project.

The MOM passenger rail project is needed now. Our region needs a comprehensive transportation network involving all forms.

As a Jamesburg resident, I ask my mayor and council members to re-evaluate their position.

Daniel S. Kerwin



New Jersey Association

of Railroad Passengers


Central Jersey Rail Coalition