Princeton Democrats to host state, county candidates

   The Princeton Community Democratic Organization invites the public to meet Democratic candidates for state and county office Sunday.
   The Candidates Night event will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Princeton Borough Hall, Stockton Street.
   The candidates invited to make presentations are State Sen. Shirley Turner (D-Lawrence), Assembly members Reed Gusciora (D-Princeton Borough) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-Ewing), Mercer County Freeholder Brian Hughes of Princeton Township, who is running for the Mercer County Executive, and Mercer County Democratic freeholder candidates Liz Muoio of Pennington and Ann Cannon of East Windsor.
   Also, Michele Tuck-Ponder, former mayor of Princeton Township is a candidate for the Democratic State Committee.
   The forum provides the public with the opportunity to meet the candidates and learn about their positions on issues affecting the state and local community.
   For more information or for directions, contact Andrew Koontz, PCDO president, at (609) 252-0264 or visit the origination’s Web site at