Ask representatives to vote no on Senate-Assembly bill

New Jersey is on the brink of allowing the creation of human beings for the sole purpose of experimenting on them and then killing them.

Bill S1909/A2840 allows the creation of human clones via "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (the same way that Dolly the sheep was created), to be grown in a woman’s womb to any desired stage and then removed (read "killed") for experimentation and subsequent use of its parts.

This bill hides behind the fact that stem cell research is helping people and therefore should be allowed. What the media fails to emphasize is that only stem cell research from adult cells has given positive results, but no embryonic stem cell research has yet done any good.

Adult stem cell research is the only one that should be allowed and encouraged. Experimentation on any human embryos should be forbidden, including embryonic stem cell research. Use of "excess" frozen embryos should be encouraged to be donated to couples who have not been able to conceive, rather than used for research.

Allowing the creation of millions of human beings for experimentation so that a few might some day be cured of a disease erodes the right to and value of life of any and all of us. Please call your New Jersey Assembly persons and ask them to vote no on S1909/A2840.

Rita E. Duenas
