Reader says guest column exhibits ‘editorial meltdown’

One becomes used to the mundane letters to the editor dealing with local situations. Some examples include the occasional tree hugger attempting to rally support for taking away property rights, the one-term former town committeeman seeking a "legacy," newcomer do-gooders harassing traditional hunting groups, or proponents of "quality of life" blathering about rezoning. Armed with this provincial perspective, it is truly an honor to witness the editorial meltdown of an internationalist such as Carol Abaya ("U.S. Actions Leave Wake of Damage in Their Path," Feb. 20 News Transcript).

With so much ammunition, one wonders where to begin. In her column, Ms. Abaya documents a string of uncanny predictions that begin in the early 1960s and end with the existing conflict with Iran. With such a startling series of allegedly correct calls, it is amazing that we have never before heard of this woman.

Even more amazing is that the leaders of both parties have not relied on this woman’s insight in forming foreign policy. I, myself, would readily endorse her for a leadership position at the highest levels of the United Nations if in fact her predictions and analysis were indeed independently documented.

Her statement, "If Iraq is attacked, it is 100 percent certain Saddam Hussein will send missiles and biological agents not only into Israel but also neighboring countries," is so bold and assured, readers will surely be convinced that this woman is certainly clairvoyant. From her statement, it is certain that Ms. Abaya has analyzed the possibilities that Saddam, and his murderous sons, may slither into exile, may be replaced by an internal or external coup, may flat out surrender into custody, or may be killed at the very beginning of hostilities.

It is obvious from her stated history that she does indeed know something of dictators. Her husband, having been a director on Marcos’ presidential economic staff, and herself having dined with Ferdinand and Imelda, proves beyond a doubt that she is clearly inside the mind of Saddam, as well as, for that matter, bin Laden. Her association with such upstanding international leaders has of course certified her soaring geopolitical conclusions.

The statement in her concluding paragraph, "Wherever America has intervened in other countries, we have left a wake of political and economic chaos, starvation and even more deprivation of human rights," is probably incapable of being analyzed by the average reader because of the sheer weight of its stupidity. Readers should not underestimate one fact: inside this woman’s head resides a plethora of left-leaning (shall I say Gaulist?) propaganda.

Her opening paragraph — "Civiliza-tion sits on the brink of World War III. Unless George W. Bush backs down from his arrogance and ego … Middle East up in flames … millions die … Farmlands until-lable … Humanity, the way we know it today, may take decades to revive. Sounds harsh? Maybe. But this is my dire prediction" — takes one’s breath away as one witnesses the meltdown of the writer’s mind.

It is understandable that Ms. Abaya would completely misjudge our president and his policies toward today’s dictators based on her twisted world view that has obviously been forged by the crucible of international elitism. If anyone is arrogant or displays an ego, it is no other than Ms. Abaya.

William Martin

Millstone Township